CryoFall Dev.Blog #11 - Medical System

Added on 12 December 2016 by Lurler.

Greetings, friends!

It's been quite a while actually. But we are finally done with the world editor for CryoFall and that means we can go back to adding gameplay content.

Today we want to share with you our most recent addition - the medical system for CryoFall.

As you know all the characters (and players) in CryoFall can get damage from multiple sources, and of course, you will need to tend to your wounds somehow. This is where this medical system will come in handy.

There are a number of items that the players can find or produce. These items can have a wide range of different effects and degree of potency.

As you can see above these are some of the medical items you can find in the game. First is "herbal remedy", it is a very simple recipe that most of the players will be able to acquire early on in the game. Then there is the bandage that can help you stop the bleeding and restore a small amout of health. And finally there are medkits and stimpacks. These are fairly advanced medical items that are much more effective, but require rare components to produce.

What are these medical components? Well, let's take a look at some of the basic ones. These four items are used to craft the "herbal remedy". Two kinds of medical herbs, a special kind of mushrooms and a tree bark. Not exactly a pinnacle of science but with this you will be able to produce a fairly effective medical item that will surely come in handy during the early game.

Later we plan to expand the medical system with more items and crafting recipes as well as advanced character effects (effects system is still in development). A simple example could be the "overdose" on stimpacks. While they can save you in a pinch they aren't exactly good for your body and if overused could lead to sudden death.

Anyway, I hope this was an interesting overview and I can't wait for you guys to try it in the game directly! We are working really hard to make this happen as soon as possible!

In the mean time, make sure to subscribe for our news, and join us on the forums for the discussion about the project!